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 About, (launched on February 14th, 2010) uses state-of-the-art family tree building technology, with a highly customized to organize genealogical information (through text and graphics) on living and deceased relatives and the relationships among them into a cohesive family tree.

Unlike other genealogical sites, is a non-commercial and ad-free site. As such, is open to everyone and is of course free with no obligations with basic instant registration (for privacy issues only, read below). Visitors are welcome to contribute information and publish it on this website at any time, from individual entries or families.

This has been made possible, for which we are most grateful, through the incessant generous contributions of:

It must be known however, would have not been possible if it wasn't for the greatest efforts of the following individuals & institutions.

Unlike other sites who claim to respect privacy,'s database entries will never appear as results in search engines. Please have a look at our privacy policy.

We've tracked Geadah's family history for the past 304 years (since 1720), and our goal is to track for the next 304 years to come (that's in the year 2328 to be exact), join us!

Credits must be given to Darrin Lythgoes for his tree building technology. is also accessible from