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 The spelling of the Geadah name

Although uses the historically recognized spelling of "GEADAH" (originally a French interpretation), more than a dozen variations exist worldwide:

1.Geda 2.Jada 3.Jadaa 4.Jadah 5.Jaddah 6.Gedah
7.Geada 8.Al Jada 9.Al Jadaa 10.Geadaa 11.Jedah 12.Gadah
13.Jeadah 14.El Gada 15.Aljadah 16.Gedda

If you know of more deviation or have documented different spellings, tell us about it.

And that's just the family name; imagine the first names! To understand why the variety of spellings, please visit the Arabic names pages.
The good news however is that's advanced search page includes the soundex of option for names, allowing you to search the database on "sounds like" basis.